“Do what thou wilt shall be
the whole of the Law.”
Jupiter is the Demiurge and the progeny of the first cause, being the Creative and
Formative worlds. Qabalistically he is Chesed; according to the Tarot
this sphere is linked to the paths of Yod and Vau, being the Hermit and the Heirophant who
are both aspects of the Fool. Within the Orphic theology Phanes is attributed to the Fool as Protogonus and he Hermit and the Hierophant are aspects of Phanes
himself. The intricate nature of Orphic theology paints a very beautiful
picture of an adept’s relationship with the Demiurgic Art in light of the Muses, these
corresponding to the planets and are only realized and communicated with from an
illuminated perspective. "Jupiter, therefore, or the Demiurgus, is, according to
Orpheus, all things, as containing in the unfathomable
depths of his essence the causes of every thing which the
sensible universe contains, these causes infinitely transcending the effects which they produce. Hence, by a causal
priority, he is every thing which is contained in the sensible
world." Thomas Taylor: They symbolize a personal relationship with the Shekinah
and the Gods as attributable to the Astral Light, they are the intelligences of
the planetary spheres and correspond to Vau along with Phanes which is the
Demiurge manifesting as the soul's inbreathing of the divine. Phanes manifests within this
communion as the invisible Apollo, who is associated with Tiphareth. Hadit is
seated in the heart and accordingly corresponds to Apollo also, as it is only by
subjective interpretation that the divine is manifested on earth, hence Phanes is consciousness
as relating to objective reality. These, along with the Bacchusses that are
associated with the planets make up the Vau in Tetragrammaton. On a universal
level Vau is attributed to Vesta, Jupiter and all the other heavenly gods and goddesses.
Aether is LVX but not really Vesta, as the Shekinah is the divine feminine
manifested in the creative world and one with the Demiurge, she subsists alongside
Jupiter thus giving the Demiurge its creative
potential by union with Phanes, as creation emanates entirely from this first progeny. "Thus too, the ineffable principle of things is said to be all
things prior to all, not as containing all things multitudinously in itself, but as that from which all things are
ineffably unfolded into light." Thomas Taylor
Saturn is attributed to the Forms which accordingly correspond to Phanes' relationship with Rhea. Again, this observation is indicative of the dichotomy of self and the other, or Phanes/Aether and the Demiurge. The Nous is the Intellectual Heaven and attributed to Yod of the ineffable name whereas the Forms correspond to the Great Mother and Heh. Rhea is said to correspond to the Intellectual Earth and presents to us her eternal character as the mother of the gods and establishes our connection to the Intellectual Heaven. The union between Saturn (Cronus) and Rhea gives birth to the Demiurge and congruently the union between the Nous and the Forms is what is responsible for the unfolding of Being via the agencies of Chesed and the Shekinah. So, Saturn is the Father, Rhea the Mother and the Demiurge is the Son. Although Heaven (Uranus) is attributed to Yod, Heh and Vau accordingly correspond to Binah and Chesed on the Tree of Life. Phanes therefore, is Jupiter and Aether is Vesta, but in a different manner than Protogonus and Juno. It is interesting to note, how this relationship between masculine and feminine throughout the worlds, form an integral part of this theology. "But the reason why Protogonus, or Phanes, is said to purge the sight from dark mists, is because the primary causes of things which in the deities prior to him subsist in ineffable union, all being in all, are by him first unfolded into intelligible light. Protogonus, who is intelligible intellect, is very properly called dark-eyed splendour; the intelligible, from its occult subsistence, being indicated by darkness, but intellect by the eye and splendour: for it is the province of intellect to see and unfold into light." Thomas Taylor: The above quote quite clearly illustrates Phanes/Protononus as consciousness and intellect as well as subsisting with Jupiter wherefrom the nature of Being is unfolded and from where he partakes in the divine inbreathing. The Demiurge and Phanes are thus both associated to Jupiter who from being the first after the primordial deities, this connection to Phanes is established in the above quote.
Heav'n, whose mighty frame no respite knows,
Father of all, from whom the world arose;
Hear, bounteous parent, source and end of all,
For ever whirling round this earthly ball;
Abode of Gods, whose guardian pow'r surrounds
Th' eternal world with ever during bounds;
Whose ample bosom, and encircling folds
The dire necessity of nature holds.
Etherial, earthly, whose all-various frame,
Azure and full of forms, no power can tame.
All-seeing, source of Saturn and of time,
For ever blessed, deity sublime,
Propitiozds on a novel mystic shine,
And crown his wishes with a life divine.
The Daughter is established on Earth as Juno and Protogonus along with Earth (Gaia) are representative of the Daughter or the He final of
Tetragrammaton. Protogonus can be seen as the Fool of the Tarot who is
struggling against the elements. In Orphic theology Protogonus is the final
embodiment of Phanes, who has been established as in essence being one with the Demiurge.
Therefore, this god has all the potential of Jupiter inherent in him but needs to
be united with Juno in order to realize this potential. These are attributed to
Malkuth on the Tree of Life in their union, and in fact the whole Astral Triad corresponds to Phanes as Protogonus. However, before his relationship with Juno is established The Fool is subject to the will of nature as not having yet brought
his lower faculties under control of his will and so he seems to be in the process
of looking for something beyond self. It may be by chance or Karma that
Protogonus finally finds an avenue of expression that embraces his being and
fosters growth. "According to the Orphic theology, Earth is the mother
of every thing of which Heaven is the father." This is a profound statement also in light of the position that Earth holds within Thelema, which is expressed in the following quote from the Book of Thoth: "This thesis dovetails perfectly with the new Doctrine of Tetragrammaton, where the Earthly component, He' final, the Daughter, is set upon the Throne of the Mother, to awaken the Eld of the All Father. The NAME itself, accordingly, is no longer a fixed symbol, emblem of extension and limit, but a continuously revolving sphere, in the words of Zaroaster "rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud." In light of this new formula the relationship between Gaia and Uranus and their correspondences to the Tetragrammaton, as Gaia is Heh final and Uranus the All is Yod, seems a bit more than just coincidental.
0 JOVE, much-honour'd, Jove supremely great,
To thee our holy rites we consecrate,
Our pray'rs and expiations, king divine,
For all things to produce with ease thro' mind is thine.
Hence mother Earth and mountains swelling high
Proceed from thee, the deep and all within the sky.
Saturnian king, descending from above,
Magnanimous, commanding, sceptred Jove;
All-parent, principle and end of all,
Whose pow'r almighty shakes this earthly ball;
Ev'n Nature trembles at thy imighty nod,
Loud-sounding, arm'd with light'ning, thund'ring God.
Source of abundance, purifying king,
0 various-form'd, from whom all natures spring;
Propitious hear my pray'r, give Mameless health,
With peace divine, and necessary wealth.
“Love is the law,
love under will.”