Sunday, August 18, 2024

Force and Virtue of the Spirit:


Force and Virtue of Spirit:


 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

“It was that most Holy Prophet, thine Uncle, called upon Earth William O'Neill, or Blake, who wrote for our Understanding these Eleven Sacred Words! ---

If the Sun and Moon should doubt

They'd immediately go out.

O my Son, our Work is to shine by Force and Virtue of our own Natures without Consciousness or consideration. Now, notwithstanding that our Radiance is constant and undimmed, it may be that Clouds gathering about us conceal our Glory from the Vision of other Stars. These Clouds are our Thoughts; not those true Thoughts which are but conscious Expressions of our Will, such as manifest in our Poesy, or our Music, or other Flower-Rays of our Life quintessential. Nay, the Cloud-Thought is born of Division and of Doubt; for all Thoughts, except they be creative emanations, are Witnesses to Conflict within us. Our settled Relations with the Universe do not disturb our Minds, as, by Example, our automatic Functions, which speak to us only in the Sign of Distress. Thus all consideration is Demonstration of Doubt, and Doubt of Duality, which is the Root of Choronzon.”


Aleister Crowley: Liber Aleph


It is one’s apparent soul that presents truth to the world, thus must we seek constantly to illuminate the Word in the light thereof, one’s unique purview of L.V.X. serving as a divine lighthouse for the direction of the Spirit within. In other words, the Logos is active and is moved by the impulse to create. If this wasn't the case, one would not be practicing magick, and instead, may be lost in the jungle that surrounds the temple of one’s innermost passion, a cat of slime, lost in the ignorance of its own purpose. The paradox in overcoming this is staggeringly obvious, and it is to remain steadfast and to heed the call of one's True Will at all times, let not doubt or conflicts dissuade thee from following this inner calling as these are of Choronzon, and the injunction is to overcome by Force of Will and Virtue. Bringing us to the idea of impeccability in the face of the insurmountable, both inside and outside of the temple, the magician must present a beingness that is beyond reproach, until such time that this becomes habit and the threat ceases to oppose him.

The impulse to do one’s Will is constant, as the flame of Spirit is inextinguishable and has been invoked, which may in certain instances result in an inner conflict set to tear at the very fabric of a magician's soul. Therefore, this is a serious affair and will have to be dealt with as such, that the threat of Choronzon is to devour the soul of the magician and leave him among the Lonely Towers, even in the lower grades the commination is real and must be confronted if one is to proceed. The way of dealing with this is the Will, to strengthen and bring it to bear upon every operation is of the utmost importance. This then may lead to conflict, as one is seemingly at odds with oneself as being confronted by dispersion, that frustration resulting from a stricture of the creative impulse by this influence serves only to amplify the ordeal, therefore the work is to look at the impressions.

 The Zelator is faced with the Vision of Choronzon, his weapon being the Knife is thus related to the creative and intellective faculties, however, he is not truly ready for the exploration and expression of these, although he is overcome by his passion and finds for perhaps the first time that he is unhampered to do his Will, and seemingly, perhaps, this is a lie. At other times, he may feel unworthy, useless, as if he has no direction, that he has been fooling himself all this time and has become the victim of his own hubris. Either of these points of view may be entirely at odds with his True Will and so, he is charged as a task of his grade, to cut out those impressions that don’t serve him, and only keep those that are congruent with his Will. This determines the nature of his battle with Choronzon, who will present itself in everything, especially, as the Vampire in previous grades, Choronzon will be projected not only onto others, but also circumstances that will again set him at odds with himself. He must be critical therefore, as that is his only weapon, along with his Will, his Will may sustain him and in order for him to overcome the ordeal, he will have to evaluate reality through a critical lens.

Unless he is doing, every thought is a conversation with Choronzon, that only in doing, by the creative expression of his Will is he in harmony with the True Will, and this imbalance will need to be confronted if he is to succeed. Thus, he is to bring his Will to bear upon every faculty of his being, and his task of exploring the powers of his being indicates this charge. It is impossible though, to only do that which feels good, and satisfying only the above impulse to create among clouds of dispersion, and so this impulse will have to be realized in every aspect of life, it will have to be transformed into a universal truth, and this is achieved by cutting away the impressions, so that he may become master of his automatic consciousness, and that new impressions are formed to fortify his Will. Hence, he is to practice asana and pranayama, and by doing so, he becomes a spectator of his own thoughts, discarding that which doesn’t serve him, and keeping only that which will imbue him with momentum upon his journey into the unexplored recesses of the dark pillar.

"Love is the law, love under will."


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Force and Virtue of the Spirit:

  Force and Virtue of Spirit: DE LUCE STELLARUM.  "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." “It was that most Holy Pr...