Friday, August 19, 2022

The Hanged Man:


The Hanged Man:

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

The 23rd path on the Tree of Life is associated to the letter Mem and the element of Water, the Tarot card corresponding to this path is The Hanged Man and is sometimes called The Drowned Man. This card is symbolic of initiation and death, it represents the necessity for accepting the current circumstances and urges introspection, which is about all that would yield results under such circumstances. The Yetziratic attribution for this path is Stable Intelligence, it is the path leading from Geburah to Hod, this indicates a need for change as Mem is Water and the path connects Mars and Mercury, this reminds us of Aleph, Mem and Shin, which are the three Mother Letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the Primordial Elements of the universe from which stems creation. Hod is Water and Mem is Water, but the Fire of Geburah serves to condense Water along this path and is thus symbolic of the transmutation of the Soul. The paralyzed depiction of the Hanged Man illustrates this state of disunion that need to be overcome, as it indicates the loss of control which is indicative of the will. This would indicate the nature of the path of return as leading towards the initial union, and the card's association with death and disunion, and the card being a representation of the ordeal of attainment. Therefore, this card symbolizes quite a struggle and there is noticeable disunion along this path, and a need to bring the situation into balance, if possible. Fire turns Water into steam or Air, wherefrom as it cools it is crystallized into Matter (Earth), this is the way these elements correspond to the ineffable name. But for The Hanged Man, who experiences this as a Microcosm, it is a terrible ordeal, as it is a breaking away from Matter, which is the place from whence he came. So, it becomes a great struggle to bring the elements back into union and bring balance back into the world of matter, whereby the Soul is congealed. Thus, in the sense that it is associated with the Stone of the Wise, it symbolizes either the transformation or the complete loss of Ego. If the subject is unable to establish himself in the Ethical Triad and reintegrate the Self, he will remain in this state and perish. These elements are also associated with the three alchemical elements, Salt, Sulfur and Mercury and so the initiation clearly presented in the symbolism of the card, is the transmutation of the Philosopher’s Stone. It is only by achieving this, that rebirth is possible and the only way out of the paralyzing condition, which the card is indicative of.

The card has the figure of a man hanging upside down and about to be submerged in water, above we see a brilliant light shining down on him, the light has within it a green hue that represents the redeeming quality of Love, known as Grace. The figure is symbolic of the paralysis mentioned above which is caused by disunion and the water is symbolic of the unconscious elements within the psyche that need to be raised into perfect congruence with the Spirit and Intellect (Ego) before the ordeal may pass. The Ankh from which the figure is hanging is another symbol of the Rosy Cross, it must however be kept in mind that this card is symbolic of the old formula of the dying god of the Aeon of Osiris, a formula which has now been corrected in the Aeon of the Crowned and Conquering Child and the attainment no longer depends on the doctrine of self-sacrifice or self-denial as martyrdom. His body is contorted in the shape of the alchemical symbol of sulfur, as the soul, which is in disunion, that through this process is being transmuted and congealed, these unconscious elements of the psyche are also indicated by the water beneath him. The serpent below him is symbolic of the intellect and a new awareness, as the adept is reintegrating the ego and establishing himself in Tiphareth. It is only by uniting these two elements that the Magickal Childe may be born. This is only possible as the result of the influence of the Spirit shining down on the victim, whereby all these elements are united in Love, symbolized by the green that permeates the entire card, serving as the connection between Man and Spirit, whereby the Great Work is brought to completion and union is attained.

“It is notable that there is an apparent increase of darkness and solidity in proportion as the redeeming element manifests itself; but the colour of green is the colour of Venus, of the hope that lies in love. That depends upon the formulation of the Rose and Cross, of the annihilation of self in the Beloved, the condition of progress. In this inferior darkness of death, the serpent of new life begins to stir.”

Aleister Crowley: The Book of Thoth

“Love is the law, love under will.”

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