On the
Saturnian Triad and our Connection to Eternity:
“Do what thou wilt shall be
the whole of the Law.”
though Neptune says,
we are three brothers from Saturn, whom Rhea bore, Jupiter and I, and the third
is Pluto, who governs the infernal realms: " Yet Jupiter is called father
by both these divinities; and this because he comprehends in himself the one
and impartible cause of all fabrication; is prior to the Saturnian triad;
connectedly contains the three fathers; and comprehends on all sides the
vivification of Juno. Hence, at the same time that this goddess - gives
animation to the universe, he also, together with other Gods, gives subsistence
to souls. Very properly therefore do we say that the demiurgus in the Timaeus
is the mighty Jupiter. For he it is who produces mundane intellects and souls,
who adorns all bodies with figures and numbers, and inserts in them one union,
and an indissoluble friendship and bond. For Night also, in Orpheus, advises
Jupiter to employ things of this kind in the fabrication of the universe.” Thomas
Taylor: The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, Additional: Notes Page 168-169.
Of course,
according to mythology Rhea is the Great Mother and attributed to Binah and also
the wife of Saturn. Her daughter Juno is the Earth goddess and shares this
connection to Saturn with her mother. It is here stated that Jupiter is called the
father by his brothers and the reason is his twofold nature which links us to
the Saturnian Triad. It is our link with this triad that may raise us to realizing
divinity and it is via the intellect that this awakening is fostered, hence the
Intelligible Triad is associated with the Forms. The supposition then being,
that via contemplation of these Forms, man is essentially strengthening his
connection to eternity, through which he may attain immortality. This
immortalization thus occurs at the congealing of the Soul when one’s connection
with this triad is rendered inseverable and from which true creativity is
inspired. Night, or Nyx corresponds
to the N.O.X. signs of Thelemic ceremonial Magick and in Orphism is wherein
Phanes gestates and corresponds to Da-ath. This state reflects Kether and Chaos
is seen through the Mist generating our link to the Forms, these Forms are
indivisible, however, only partially comprehended by each soul, giving it its
unique character. It is Jupiter via his office as the Demiurge, who connects
one to understanding these and raises us to wholeness. Nyx according to the
Greek QBL has a value of 510, when taking these numbers separately we have Mist,
Kether and Zero, the last of which I think may here be attributed to the veils of non-existence.
510 when considered within the context of this essay is attributed to the Head,
this Head would be that of Macroposopus and this triad accordingly is analogous
to the potential of the intellect to see past its perceived limitations and
into this realm of Ideas, qabalistically, the point is made even clearer when
reducing the value to 6, which is a sacred number of Binah.
“The proximate bond indeed of mundane natures is that
which subsists through analogy; but the more perfect bond is derived from
intellect and soul. Hence Timaeus calls the communion of the elements through
analogy, and the indissoluble union from life, a bond. For he says, animals
were generated bound with animated bonds. But a more venerable bond than these
subsists from the demiurgic will.” Thomas Taylor: The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, Additional Notes: Page 169.
I look at a dog, there is no more to see, it is a dog, the same with a tree,
the souls of these natures are apparent, owing to our knowledge of their
functions and characters. However, human beings are more unique, and our distinct
natures are derived via the same, our functions that correspond to our intellects, which determine each’s unique
nature and the individual characteristics of our Souls. The above also corresponds to Atman and
Brahman and it is only by fostering our connection to the Great Mother, that their
union is established, hence the union between Heaven and Earth is attributed to
Jupiter’s relationship with the Soul and the Intelligible gods.
“Again, our soul knows partibly the impartible nature of
the energy of the Gods, and that which is characterized by unity in this
energy, in a multiplied manner: and this especially takes place about the
demiurgus who expands intellectual forms, and calls forth intelligible causes,
and evolves them to the fabrication of the universe.” Thomas Taylor: The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, Additional Notes: Page 170.
union spoken of between an individual and the Demiurge may be felt but can
never be entirely rendered intellectually, owing to the limitations of each individual. Although
the gods are united and all is bonded within the Demiurge, there is that which
one is attracted to, which makes this impartial nature only partially perceived.
Even though this is the case, it is not possible to come to the wholeness of
self-realization without this union occurring, and to inspire that which is
wrought by the gods and given unto man.
“Love is the law, love under
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