Sunday, August 18, 2024

On the Masters of Verse:


On the Masters of Verse:

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


For this reason is the Poet called the incarnation of the Zeitgeist, that is, of the Spirit or Will of his Period. So every Poet is also a Prophet, because when that which he sayeth is recognized in the impression as the Expression of their own Thought by Men, they translate this into Act so that, in the parlance of Folk vulgar and ignorant, "that which he foretold is come to pass". Now then the Poet is interpreter of the Hieroglyphs of the Hidden Will of Man in many a matter, some light, some deep, as it may be given unto him to do. Moreover, it is not altogether in the Word of any Poem, but in the quintessential Flavour of the Poet, that thou mayst seek this Prophesy. And this is an Art most necessary to every Statesman. Who but Shelley foretold the Fall of Christianity, and the Organization of Labour, and the Freedom of Women; who but Nietzsche declared the Principle at he Root of World-War? See thou clearly then that these Men were the Keys of the Dark Gates of the Future; Should not the Kings and their Ministers have taken heed thereto, fulfilling their Word without Conflict."

Aleister Crowley: Liber ALEPH

One can't blame Achad for trying, but a poet he most certainly was not.... In the world of literature it is commonly accepted that to analyze art by studying the diachronic unfolding of literary trends leads to more questions of causation than answers, and change seems to always come down to the influence of a select few individuals of every age who drastically impact the status quo, thus transforming literature and philosophy as a result into something new. There is always recognizable residue from the previous school in the current one, and from all the schools past, although the cause of this transformation had been impacted by the poet and not so much the school, and this residue is formal not cultural, as well it is accepted that in turn the zeitgeist's interactions with the text itself gives life to this change, and transforms the work into something greater as it becomes its reflection and changes into something magickal with the power to transform the collective mind of humanity. Indeed poetry is prophesy, and it seems, although a question I burden myself with, that the most irrelevant investigation is inquiring as to what the cause for this may be. God and religion was created by poets, as poetry speaks to us in images, the notion of cave paintings and the effect that these tales must have had on the children, inspiring magickal worlds of dreams inhabited by heroes and monsters, and gods and devils is at the unconscious centre of Man-Soul. The poet, unlike the priest needn't watch his words, he is able to say what he wants, or what he feels, not bound by dogma he is inspired by the world around him which is the true divine, absorbed in his love of humanity into a pedagogical fulfilment and guided by a search for Beauty, he expresses the Soul of the World in equivalence to his own experience, and having not been constrained by moralism, he is able to present such accurately and honestly, without pretense he is the voice of God. Without expectation or judgement, he stands bare before the soul of mankind --- armed only with the poetic perfection of Love and Truth.

“Love is the law, love under will.”

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