Friday, January 19, 2024




“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

" Is this ' natural instinct' sense or intellect? If the former. Is it Internal or external? Clearly it is not external; but if internal, where is the internal sense from which they could have their foresight, their arts and artifices, their precautions, expeditions, to meet various conditions, both present and future? There must be some proximate principle, i.e. a form of intelligence peculiar to each animal, which determines its actions. The divine and universal intelligence is merely the principle that gives it intelligence, through which it understands."

"The swallow makes its nest, the ants their cave, the spiders their web or nets, in one way only, than which they could not make them more admirably or suitably. . . . Who knows whether the spirit of man is rising upwards, that of others moving downwards? At least it is to be referred to a defect of light and divine force that men hesitate and deliberate in all that belongs to the means of life, the modes of worship and defence, for if all knew perfectly, all would be governed in the best, and consequently in one way only."

Giordano Bruno:

In the above Bruno is talking about how animals are more connected to the World-Soul, as their actions are instinctual and for all intents and purposes perfect. Primitive man used to be like this, we used to navigate like animals and even insects do, depending upon the earth’s magnetic field. This is in a sense the divine Will of the world that we have come out of touch with. The aim is harmony with Nature from where the True Will is the driving force. Attaining to this does not mean a life without conflict, it only means that a person has learned who and what he or she truly is and have started living in accordance with the divine will of creation, of which we are all finite aspects.

I have started suspecting that intelligence has drawn a wedge between man and the Soul of the World. We have become detached on account of our superior place within Nature’s hierarchy, we don’t just look to nature for creative insights, we now look to the archetypal world as well. It is our link to the archetypal world that has made transcendent experience possible, but it has also placed it slightly out of reach for most to use intently for furthering development. A lot of people, I suppose, have become complacent as a result of the work necessary for attaining this union and Bruno states this is due to “a defect of light and divine force that men hesitate and deliberate”. We are entirely caught up in a way of life that has in a sense become mechanical, we have shunned our place in the divine hierarchy for a very paradoxical reason and the reason, is our inability to acknowledge the fact that we are animals as well as gods. To explore the animal soul is the first step in a magician's career, this exploration in turn unfolds to us the landscape of the sub-conscious, the world of dreams, where archetypes manifest to speak to our intellects. We are through this practice directly making contact and harmonizing our souls with the Soul of the World.

There is a doctrine in the qabalah which places this inverted purpose as the enemy or Satan, which states that as the name of god symbolizes the fall of man when looking at it on the Tree of Life from above the name is uncorrupted, although from below it becomes inverted or corrupted. Hence, to follow the word of god is actually a mistake when the word is objective, as given to us by the Church. It is through the acceptance of Satan as our savior, that strides may be made towards truth. Here of course Satan is referring to the animal soul. In order to fully inflame the Ruach with the potential for creation we must entirely integrate this part of our beings. Satan in its realized form as represented by the Devil Atu is thus a symbol of the ego, that has attained power and moved from inverted Satan towards realizing its godliness.

Magnetism or the earth and each individual’s magnetic field is interesting, as at a certain point with respect to the formula of I.A.O. a magician dies, to be resurrected. This is an ongoing theme throughout life, but especially for a magician, who has by an act of will affected this evolution, thus he has become painfully aware of it. The ego dies to be resurrected via this ordeal, and this resurrection is always a transfiguration of the ego, from whence it will find itself standing upon a higher plateau of experience necessitating adaptation. Perhaps it is the magnetic field or the Soul of the World, that serves as one of the properties which lead to successful rebirth and pulls the soul back together.

“Love is the law, love under will.”

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