Sunday, August 18, 2024

Against the People:


Against the People:

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


"And thus, if any Babe of thine be ill at ease, look closely first whether this Love be not the Root of his Distemper. Watch also Idleness, for whoso presseth eagerly forward in Will heedeth little the Affairs of this Fellows. O my Son, if every Man doth his own Will, there is no more to Say! But the Busy-body nor mindeth his own Business, nor leaveth others to mind theirs. Be thou instant therefore with such an one, to cure him by enlightening his Will, and speeding him therein. Remember also that if one speak ill of another, the Fault is first of all in himself, for we know naught but that which is within us. Did not the great Witch-Finder end by confessing that he also was a Sorcerer? We become that which obsesseth us, either through extreme Hate or Extreme Love. Knowest thou not how the one is a Symbol of the other? For this Reason, since Love is the Formula of Life, we are under Bond to assimilate (in the End) that which we fear or hate. So then we shall be wise to mould all Things within ourselves in Quietness and Modulation. But above all must we use all to our own End, adapting with Adroitness even our Weakness to the Work."

Aleister Crowley, Liber Aleph:

In this vignette Crowley is instructing Achad on how to deal with his students, first giving a couple of common things that may be assisted and after he mentions busy bodies and how one would go about effectively dealing with this scum. Busy bodies huh?.... thankfully I'm not one of those. Yes, I have had my fair share of run ins with the herd, the hive, the dogs, but I am caught up in my own life and affairs, so much so, that they do not and can not really come between me and that which is attainable of lasting value for myself. Yes, to me a busy body is a pathetic creature, who in its dullness has via its occupation with me and mine managed to make me feel special. The envy of the busy body is what gets us every time, it's this comparison that makes them such a problem for the mage. You'll find that a lot of busy bodies feel that things like equity is important and that hierarchy is an illusion, only a man made idea established to keep certain people at the top of our societal food chain and in charge. They are crusaders for justice, but what is justice to a busy body anyway? They seem to think that they have gotten the short end of the stick, indeed, they have, but I assure you, this is not the fault of society, they have been done in by Nature herself. Thus, you'll find that hubris is an enemy of particular concern for the mage when confronted by the lowliest most ineffectual elements of our society, that group together and congeal creating the most corrosive slime. There is a trend amongst parents that one should never point out a child's shortcomings, or weaknesses, and now as a consequence, everyone is a gold medalist, and from all of this anyone can be president if they work hard enough, and as a result people have become incapable of perceiving their own incompetence, as they have been conditioned to believe it can be rectified, if only they work hard enough, or had enough money to pay to be better. Talents according to this lowly caste are viewed as having been unjustly attained, as if Michael Jordan had to pay to be 7 feet tall and built like Carl Lewis with the reflexes of Bruce Lee having the ball sense of nonother, than Anthony Gatto. (It's not fair, why can't I be special too?) They, in their hearts feel, that if they were born to the right family, they would have been able to buy the same prowess as M.J., they loath themselves and this makes them very bitter, and very mean.

As funny and pathetic as they are, they are also extremely dangerous, especially nowadays. Today they have access to the world wide web, and their inadequacies lead them to trolling, and the reason you never see actualized trolls is because actualized people are accomplished, and subjectively they have no doubts about their own value as human beings. The busy body's insecurities and the fact that these are objective truths founded on its own incompetence, causes it to lash out at those of a higher stature and share its pain with tripe as equally useless as itself. Here is the problem; most people are too incompetent to find the Truth, and so they give up their search, retreating back into their religious safe-houses to foster little Christians who will be exactly the same as them one day. Since there are so many animals camouflaged in human adornments, freethinkers and giants are at risk, I might even say that we are at war, and this is not a war that we can easily win, as while they brood and strategize we have things to do, and combat takes a lot of time and effort in order to be successful. Hence the only safeguard against the onslaught of these sub-humans is the same as it ever was ---- the safeguard is Love ---- and Silence.

“Love is he law, love under will.”

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